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Recruitment training - behavioral interview, advanced techniques
Do you want to make sure you choose the best candidates?
Learn about the most effective recruitment tools and train your skills with a professional!
We invite you on a fascinating journey through the psyche of a manager, candidate and recruiter!
Effects of participating in the training
During the training, you will learn:
- design and conduct an effective recruitment process
- select really important information about the candidate
- verify whether the candidate has the competences required for the position
- check the degree to which the candidate's needs and values match what your organization offers
- ask strong recruitment questions when the candidate uses communication tricks
- find out the candidate's level of motivation for work
- recognize threats that may arise when the expectations of the organization and the new employee clash
- determine likely post-employment behavior
Our experience: over 1,000 employed candidates and several thousand recruitment interviews!
We are experienced HR specialists, recruiters and managers. We have over 15 years of recruitment experience gained in large international corporations and intensively developing Polish companies. Furthermore, we will equip you with a set of the most effective recruiter tools, thanks to which you will confidently make decisions about choosing the best candidate!
Practical techniques and tools for effective recruitment interviews:
- Candidate Recruitment Profile Model - a practical tool that will help you discover what is most important for further verification in candidates;
- Star Model and behavioral questioning techniques;
- Techniques for asking strong recruitment questions when the candidate uses communication tricks.
- Motivation Matrix - a tool for examining whether a candidate's needs and values match what your organization offers
- Employment Matrix - a tool that will help you decide to establish cooperation with a specific person.
5 features that help us beat the competition
- The training is an interactive workshop conducted by a recruitment and business practitioner with many years of experience.
- As part of the training, you have 90 minutes of additional individual training within a year of training, to practice the techniques you have learned one-on-one with a trainer or to discuss your specific professional challenges together.
- You also have lifetime, unlimited telephone support from us, the trainers, in your challenges and problems.
- For a year after the training, we will inspire you with additional materials, the so-called "follow up".
- We do not cancel training - your registration is enough to guarantee the date of this training.
- Opinions of our participants - signed with full name and company. They are the best proof of what you can expect, and their credibility is absolutely verified by the quality of the training! Also check out the opinions left by participants of our training on Google HERE.
Opinions about the training
The training was very well prepared in terms of content. The needs survey conducted before the training helped the trainer prepare the material. Therefore, the training met my expectations, both for my needs and from the perspective of the people I manage and work with on a daily basis. Very well-prepared materials and the open, but also professional way of conducting the course by the trainer have a positive impact on the evaluation of the training. Thank you and best regards.
Training at the highest level. The trainer represents high coaching skills supported by practice. Many elements for practical use in the recruitment process, a solid approach to expectations. That's why when you leave the training you feel that it was worth it...
We conducted training for:

Who is recruitment training for?
We especially recommend training:
- HR department employees responsible for the employment planning, recruitment and selection process
- HR Business Partners
- employment agents
- business owners who directly recruit employees
- employees of employment offices
2-day training program: Recruitment
1. Behavioral interview is an uneven conversation - how to conduct
an effective interview with a candidate?
- Do you have the impression that during an interview you waste a lot of time on the candidate repeating the content contained in his CV? We will show you what information to pay attention to in a CV, what and how to ask a candidate.
- Are you wondering whether you can check during the interview whether the candidate has competences relevant to the position? The answer is: YES, using the appropriate tool - the STAR model. During the training, you will master and practice this effective behavioral interview method, thanks to which you will ask only strong recruitment questions and make better use of every precious minute of the recruitment meeting. We will also provide you with practical tools that will guide you like a map: a card with the STAR model and a ready-made script for a conversation conducted using this model.
- It's worth learning from other people's mistakes! We will discuss the most common mistakes recruiters make during a recruitment interview and consider how to minimize the risk of their occurrence.
- Don't be fooled by the candidates! During the training, you will learn "tricks" in answering during a recruitment interview and how to deal with them.
- If you sometimes have the impression that candidates are "manipulating" you or that they are "selling" well, but in reality you have little "specific information" about them, then the Metamodel will be a great extension of the STAR model for you - the secrets of neurolinguistics, thanks to which you will ask even more effective questions recruitment.
2. Competencies - a detailed map that will help you achieve recruitment success
- What are these magical powers? During the training, we will show you the essence of competences and their application in recruitment practice. You will see how much more effective and easier (because you know what to look for) the recruitment process will become!
- You don't know how to find out whether a potential employee has a given competence and to what extent? You will learn to use the so-called behavioral indicators and you will no longer have any doubts.
- Are you missing one standard to assess candidates' competences? With us, you will learn to use the competence assessment scale used in recruitment processes.
3. To be found, you need to know who you are looking for.
Candidate Recruitment Profile - how to define expectations for the candidate you are looking for
- You will learn how to best obtain information to create a Candidate Recruitment Profile and how to define all the criteria necessary to find an employee suited to the position.
- You will receive a ready-made tool that will make your work easier and more effective: a card with the Candidate's Recruitment Profile
- We will also analyze the most common mistakes made when working with this tool, so you can avoid them in the future!
4. The cherry on the cake - the last and equally important steps of the recruitment process
- How to choose the "right" one? – you will learn how to carefully and comprehensively consider all the collected information. We will provide you with a practical tool that will help you make decisions about employment - the Employment Matrix.
5. Additionally, we will deal with other techniques that increase the accuracy of candidate selection:
- The lack of motivational match may result in low employee commitment and performance, or even the decision to dismiss... Therefore, when you already know what the candidate can do, it is worth checking what he wants to do - and therefore examining the Candidate's Motivational Match! You will learn this during the training and we will provide you with a practical tool: the Candidate Motivation Matrix, which will help you examine motivation at various levels - not only in relation to preferred tasks, but also the candidate's values.
- More or less consciously, each of us is subject to psychological traps, but in the case of a recruiter, they can significantly affect the candidate assessment process. After the training, you will be prepared for them!
Benefits - what will you get apart from training?

The trainer will ask about your needs and propose an optimal
program FREE
You can talk to a coach today about your problems and needs and make sure they are met. And they will be fulfilled, even if they go beyond the recruitment training formula, because only with us the "program" means something more than the training itself:

The trainer will take care of you during EXTRA
individual training FREE
When you want to tackle a challenge that goes beyond the training program but is related to its topic, or prepare for an important and difficult situation, practice and make sure that you optimally apply the learned techniques - you have 90 minutes one-on-one with a trainer, within a year from training. Apart from that:

The trainer supports you by phone with unlimited hours FREE
After all, after the training, we start to see more, so new questions arise. And a helping hand is useful to combine the wealth of knowledge and techniques acquired from our training with your life. Additionally:

Access to the platform FREE
After the training, each participant receives unlimited access to the 4GROW online platform, where they can preview training materials, use exercises and tools, read the list of recommended books and use the forum.

Your training will be 100% FREE
Because we do not cancel training. For each training there is information about whether the training date is already guaranteed. Our training dates are covered by a guarantee - depending on the training topic - from 3, 2 or even 1 participant!

Group training after training FREE
Every few months, we organize 2-hour group trainings, during which you have the opportunity to further practice in front of the audience and receive feedback from the trainer and participants - thanks to this, you can further develop your skills and refresh your techniques!
See for yourself how pleasant and effective development can be!
Trainers conducting recruitment training
If you have preferences regarding the trainer, please contact us and indicate your chosen trainer, and we will give you the date on which the training is conducted.

Małgorzata Jabłońska
Psychologist and business practitioner, soft skills trainer, bilingual coach and mentor certified in the USA
Certified clinical psychologist. She completed master's studies at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw, as well as 4-year doctoral studies at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences as part of the Soros Foundation.
A business practitioner with 30 years of experience working in the corporate world in top managerial positions - in Poland, the region of Europe, Africa and the Middle East and in the USA. She has gained extensive experience in effective management of human teams - in multicultural environments, working on international and global projects at various stages of building corporate structures, in the departments of market research, business analyzes and the development of global innovations.
Trainer of trainers in the field of leadership and managerial skills training, team management and presentation (certificates obtained in the USA). He specializes in management and leadership, managing change in an organization, effective communication and conflict resolution, forum speeches and business presentations, as well as managerial coaching and mentoring.
Creator of original training and workshop programs, an experienced trainer and business presentation practitioner with extensive experience in introducing international training standards to the business world in Poland.
An expert in the field of innovative teaching methods - co-author of innovative solutions for teaching SGH students, also cooperating with PWSBiA in Warsaw and Collegium Verum, Postgraduate Studies.
Recruitment training methodology - behavioral interview
W naszych szkoleniach dostajesz właśnie w takich proporcjach:

Techniki i narzędzia konkretne strategie działania adekwatne do sytuacji i optymalne narzędzia (np. formularze, scenariusze rozmów, matryce, ściągi) – gotowce, które wiesz jak wykorzystać na co dzień
Warsztat dzięki ćwiczeniom grupowym, grom, pracy w parach, na gorącym krześle, prowokacjom, wdrażasz nowe techniki i narzędzia, doświadczasz omawianych mechanizmów na sobie także w zaskakujących eksperymentach
Wiedza niezbędne informacje, teorie przełamujące schematy i mity, badania i odkrycia z różnych dziedzin: psychologii, neurobiologii, coachingu, NLP
- Recruitment training is conducted in workshops - participants practice the techniques and tools they learn in a very diverse way (read more here).
- Everyone receives training materials, exercises and tools (forms, cheat sheets, planners, etc.).
- After the recruitment training, the participant receives access to the 4GROW training platform, where:
- all training materials are embedded and
- is a forum for written communication with the trainer and training participants on this topic, enabling asking questions and exchanging experiences.
- Online participants connect via a video-training platform with the trainer (and participants in the room, if they have registered as part of the Mix form).
Or maybe you prefer the classic, stationary form of training?
and a maximum of 10 people in the room
Why do participants value our Recruitment training?
Terminy szkoleń
2025-05-08 - 2025-05-09 |
Zarezerwuj |
Recruitment - behavioral interview, advanced techniques are your company's best investment
In every company, in every industry, success depends on people - their competence, commitment, effectiveness. Recruitment is therefore crucial. Behavioral interviewing and advanced techniques allow us to make sure whether the candidate has the necessary predispositions before he even starts working. Unfortunately, verification usually takes place too late, when the effects of the employee's mismatch with the position or organizational culture become visible. This causes a significant increase in recruitment costs. Behavioral interviewing and advanced recruitment techniques may initially seem like an unnecessary luxury to HR specialists, but they are tools that will help us avoid additional expenses related to employee effectiveness in the future. During the training, you will learn the secrets of effective recruitment, behavioral interviewing - advanced techniques !
Before each recruitment process or behavioral interview, you should consider what individual competencies actually mean, regardless of whether they have already been defined in the job descriptions operating in your company or you are just creating their list. During recruitment, behavioral interviews and advanced techniques, competences are often treated as keywords on the one hand and generalities on the other. That is why it is so important that before starting the recruitment or behavioral interview, you harmonize your way of thinking and clarify a given competence, before you start verifying its level in the candidate. Defining competencies is a process that forms the basis of recruitment and behavioral interviewing, and therefore requires special attention.
HR specialists often stop at this stage, assuming that they are looking for a person who is creative, assertive or able to manage a team. However, this is not enough for the recruitment process and behavioral interview to be effective. To verify a candidate's competences, you need uniform standards and precise expectations. During the training: Recruitment - behavioral interview, advanced techniques, you will learn to define them, thanks to which the key moment of the recruitment process - behavioral interview will be much easier to conduct and, above all, effective.
During recruitment and behavioral interviews, we rarely deal with black and white candidates who may or may not have the competences we expect. We also have different expectations regarding mastery of competencies, which we verify during recruitment and behavioral interviews. Therefore, during the training: Recruitment - behavioral interview, advanced techniques, we will teach you how to create scales, describe competencies and their indicators at several levels. During the recruitment process and behavioral interview, these tools enable us to compare the level of competence demonstrated by the candidate to the level we expect and to compare candidates objectively.
All these techniques are only useful in the context of an interview - a mandatory element of every recruitment process. Unfortunately, the lack of appropriate competences often causes the behavioral interview during recruitment to turn into an ordinary conversation, a source of many "hunches" and "impressions" on which recruiters later base their assessment. In order to verify the candidate's competences during recruitment and behavioral interviews, questions must be asked skillfully. You will master this art during the training: Recruitment - behavioral interview, advanced techniques.
The time you invest in preparing for the recruitment process and behavioral interview will pay off in the form of an employee tailored to the requirements and capabilities of a given position. It's worth it, right? We invite you!