4GROW Mateusz Dąbrowski 4GROW https://4grow.pl mailto:[email protected] 531314431 4GROW to butikowa, rodzinna firma szkoleniowa oferująca szkolenia najwyższej jakości z obszaru kompetencji miękkich, osobistych i menedżerskich 4grow.pl https://4grow.pl https://www.facebook.com/4GROW/ 4GROW
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Interpersonal Communication training

Training versions: 
online | stationary | mix | closed : Warsaw / Poland

This communication training makes a difference... Imagine that you finally know what is wrong with your communication, causing you to move further away from your goal instead of getting closer to your goal.

Now imagine that you can express yourself clearly and effectively - that is, by communicating you achieve the intended results! 
You achieve this state during training.

How do we do it? We have added elements of interpersonal training to our workshop, filled with tools and techniques, thanks to which you will be able to constantly explore your communication strategies and observe how you influence others.

Check the program or BOOK

Effects of communication training

You'll learn:

  • communicate more effectively within and between teams
  • establish understanding and positive relationships with people with whom you had difficulty communicating
  • read what has so far been unclear and unexpressed in messages from others
  • communicate more effectively in situations when you want to express your opinion/assessment or refer to the opinions/assessment of other people
  • consciously use your words and body language - to achieve specific goals, e.g. strengthen your own image and authority
  • better manage communication in conflict situations, and changing your way of communication will prevent many such situations from occurring again
  • your messages will become clear and legible to others

They have already attended our training

Regardless of what kind of marketing a training company does - the number and content of opinions and their credibility absolutely verify the quality of the training! Read our participants' opinions about communication training and other training - they are the best proof of what you can expect. We have plenty of them (and that says something...), signed with full names and companies.

Perfectly conducted communication training perfectly tailored to specific needs. An excellent trainer who perfectly establishes contact with participants, leading the group to a specific goal and result. The best training I have ever attended.

Great and accessible communication training that leaves you with the confidence that you can easily overcome communication barriers that seemed insurmountable.

More opinions from the training >>


and join the group of satisfied customers!

We conducted training for:

Who is communication training for?

For you if:

  • you use too many words to communicate what you mean
  • you feel that your interlocutors do not fully understand you
  • or you don't fully understand the interlocutors
  • as a result, the results of cooperation are not optimal
  • you have difficulty communicating with a different generation or gender
  • Your messages are being misunderstood
  • some people get offended by what you say or write
  • you want to build better relationships and arouse greater sympathy
  • you want to understand subtexts, cope better with sarcasm and irony of others in communication
  • You want the problem-solving process to be quick, effective and orderly at the meeting
  • you want to be better at dealing with people trying to embarrass you or distract you from your thoughts
  • you want to understand other types of people better and feel good around them, or even be able to fit in and understand them.

We recommend developing communication skills to employees who:

  • they manage the team
  • have contact with clients or contractors
  • they cooperate with others
  • they pass on their knowledge to others
  • they conduct meetings/meetings/conferences
  • perform organizational/coordination tasks

Arguments for the boss

Interpersonal communication - why does business value it? 

4grow training communication important for business  A company that cares about high communication skills of its employees achieves an advantage of effectiveness by saving time and money - instead of spending time on correcting errors resulting from unclear messages and misunderstandings, employees can use it to develop new projects!

Ineffective interpersonal communication causes the employee to:

  • delegates tasks in an unclear manner, which affects the quality of work and employee morale
  • carries out commands without making sure that he interprets them correctly, which may lead to false assumptions and errors in the activities performed
  • may not notice nuances in communication and at the appropriate moment ensure understanding in a conversation with a superior/co-worker/customer/contractor
  • may not adapt the way of speaking to the situation and the interlocutor, and thus negatively affect the attitude and result of communication  
  • may have difficulty establishing relationships and building trust
  • when transmitting knowledge, he does not pay attention to the clarity and accessibility of his statements
  • does not see the impact of his/her way of communication on the quality of cooperation and the atmosphere in the team
  • may misread intentions and display a negative attitude towards a task/problem/person

Effective interpersonal communication makes the employee:

  • is aware that his communication affects the attitude and motivation of others - he is careful about what he says and how he listens
  • makes sure that he understands the assigned task well - he knows that the correctness of the interpretation depends on him
  • clearly and concisely conveys orders/instructions/messages - protecting the risk of misinterpretations
  • is focused on active listening, identifying needs and finding common points in communication, e.g. in relationships with subordinates or clients
  • as a manager, he ensures open communication to foster an atmosphere of trust in the team
  • ensures the comfort of the conversation and common ground for understanding, selects the appropriate language and communication style to suit the social role, situation and personality of the interlocutor
  • in conflict situations, acts strategically with a focus on finding constructive solutions through appropriate communication
  • shares knowledge and ensures that it is conveyed clearly and factually - it influences the flow of knowledge and the role that communication plays in the entire organization
  • provides constructive feedback
  • is aware of his own behavior and the weaknesses of his communication, which gives him the opportunity to analyze and correct faster
Does your boss need solid arguments?

Everything your boss needs to decide on your enrollment. Present the package of benefits for the company resulting from your participation, and we will meet at a training session soon! :)

Przeczytaj program lub sprawdź inne warianty szkolenia

Pobierz program: pdfpdf

Training program: Interpersonal communication

1. ​​​​​Communication in the project team, or how to develop a solution together

  • Technique of assertively reporting your own idea/solution,
  • How to criticize ideas and solutions so as not to cut their author's wings - an original technique useful especially in team discussions
  • How to react "with class", constructively, when someone criticizes you on a forum,
  • Walt Disney's strategy - how to reach an agreement and develop solutions together

2. Communication training in various situations

Your active group communication training with feedback and "on-the-fly" tips - from the trainer and other training participants (to your way of communicating verbally and body language).

  • Communication in confrontational situations
  • Providing feedback in interpersonally difficult situations
  • Proactive attitude in communication - taking responsibility for the course and effect of the conversation

3. Diplomacy in communication

  • How to give corrective or appreciative feedback
  • How to communicate problems, disapproval and dissatisfaction,
  • How to hurry the sluggish,
  • How to set boundaries and talk about your needs/expectations,
  • How to change your communication when you want to:
    • motivate to act, to make decisions,
    • engage and strengthen the recipient's responsibility,
    • strengthen your authority.

4. Hidden Message Levels™ - what cannot be seen or heard, but affects the interlocutor

  • When you don't know what it's about... it's about Hidden Message Levels™! - you will learn to read hidden content in the interlocutor's statement
  • You will strengthen your message and reach the recipient more easily with your message, thanks to the skillful translation of content from Hidden Message Levels™ to overt levels
  • Why do we hear different things when we hear the same thing - the model of 4 communication planes (4 pairs of ears) according to FS von Thun
  • Practical ways to communicate well with different interlocutors, e.g.
    • women vs. men - how to find a common language,
    • "oversensitive" - ​​how to protect them from unpleasant feelings vs. "insensitive" - ​​how to activate empathy in them,
    • "over-interpreters" - how to protect them from wrong interpretation vs. "low defaults" - how to help them understand better,
    • Baby boomers, generations X, Y (Millennials) and Z – how to reach the right generation with your message?

5. We increase the effectiveness of your interpersonal communication

  • Interpersonal training - your active group communication training with feedback and "on-the-fly" tips - from the trainer and other training participants (to your way of communicating verbally and body language).
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication - techniques that strengthen the verbal message and body language in such a way as to increase authority, engage recipients and achieve the expected effect
  • Active listening - how to cope when the interlocutor is talkative, "pouring water" or taciturn / introverted:
    • Inquiring
    • Retention
    • Summarizing
    • Reflecting
    • Paraphrasing (paraphrase to content and deep paraphrase with solution framework)
  • Asking appropriate questions: closed, open and coaching - to better control the conversation, obtain information, build the interlocutor's responsibility and proactivity, etc.

6. Neurolinguistics in communication (NLP) - how to deal with gimmicks and distortions in conversation - Metamodel

  • How to recognize and deal with linguistic tricks, generalizations, distortions and omission of information
  • Guiding the interlocutor towards "playing open cards" using questions from the Metamodel,
  • Changing the dynamics of the conversation from unconstructive to positive for both parties (appropriate choice of words, presuppositions and syntax).

Throughout the training, you will receive feedback on your communication style and tips on how you can improve in this area.


If you are a manager or leader of a project team and are looking for extraordinary training for your entire team, you may be interested in our unique workshop, which goes beyond the above interpersonal communication training program.

If you want your team to use its potential in the best possible way and not waste energy on unnecessary difficulties resulting from differences in personality and communication, then this workshop is just for you! 

We invite your entire team to participate in the workshop, which will "turbocharge" you, help you "get to know each other again" and use the power of personality psychology to build good communication, openness and cooperation between you! Click and read the program of this unique workshop: Personality of a well-coordinated team - a workshop strengthening good communication, trust and cooperation in a team.

Increase your personal and professional effectiveness 
with our interpersonal communication techniques!

Reserve your place for training!

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Benefits - what will you get apart from training?

Communication training

The trainer will ask about your needs and propose an optimal 
program FREE

You can talk to a coach today about your problems and needs and make sure they are met. And they will be fulfilled, even if they go beyond the communication training formula, because only with us the "program" means something more than the training itself:

Communication training

The trainer will take care of you during EXTRA 
individual  training FREE

When you want to tackle a challenge that goes beyond the training program but is related to its topic, or prepare for an important and difficult situation, practice and make sure that you optimally apply the learned techniques - you have 90 minutes one-on-one with a trainer, within a year from training. Apart from that:

Communication training

The trainer supports you by phone with unlimited hours FREE

After all, after the training, we start to see more, so new questions arise. And a helping hand is useful to combine the wealth of knowledge and techniques acquired from our training with your life. Additionally:

communication Training

Access to the online.4grow.pl platform FREE

After the training, each participant receives unlimited access to the 4GROW online platform, where they can preview training materials, use exercises and tools, read the list of recommended books and use the forum.

Communication training

Your training will be 100% FREE

Because we do not cancel training. For each training there is information about whether the training date is already guaranteed. Our training dates are covered by a guarantee - depending on the training topic - from 3, 2 or even 1 participant!

Communication training

Group training after training FREE

Every few months, we organize 2-hour group trainings, during which you have the opportunity to further practice in front of the audience and receive feedback from the trainer and participants - thanks to this, you can further develop your skills and refresh your techniques!


See for yourself how pleasant and effective development can be!

Trainers conducting Communication training

If you have preferences regarding the trainer, please contact us and indicate your chosen trainer, and we will give you the date on which the training is conducted.


Małgorzata Jabłońska

Psycholog i praktyk biznesu, trener umiejętności miękkich, dwujęzyczny coach i mentor certyfikowany w USA

Psychologist and business practitioner, soft skills trainer, bilingual coach and mentor certified in the USA

Certified clinical psychologist. She completed master's studies at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw, as well as 4-year doctoral studies at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences as part of the Soros Foundation.

A business practitioner with 30 years of experience working in the corporate world in top managerial positions - in Poland, the region of Europe, Africa and the Middle East and in the USA. She has gained extensive experience in effective management of human teams - in multicultural environments, working on international and global projects at various stages of building corporate structures, in the departments of market research, business analyzes and the development of global innovations.

Trainer of trainers in the field of leadership and managerial skills training, team management and presentation (certificates obtained in the USA). He specializes in management and leadership, managing change in an organization, effective communication and conflict resolution, forum speeches and business presentations, as well as managerial coaching and mentoring.

Creator of original training and workshop programs, an experienced trainer and business presentation practitioner with extensive experience in introducing international training standards to the business world in Poland.

An expert in the field of innovative teaching methods - co-author of innovative solutions for teaching SGH students, also cooperating with PWSBiA in Warsaw and Collegium Verum, Postgraduate Studies.

Więcej Mniej

Communication training methodology

W naszych szkoleniach dostajesz właśnie w takich proporcjach:

metodyka mobile metodyka desktop

Techniki i narzędzia konkretne strategie działania adekwatne do sytuacji i optymalne narzędzia (np. formularze, scenariusze rozmów, matryce, ściągi) – gotowce, które wiesz jak wykorzystać na co dzień


Warsztat dzięki ćwiczeniom grupowym, grom, pracy w parach, na gorącym krześle, prowokacjom, wdrażasz nowe techniki i narzędzia, doświadczasz omawianych mechanizmów na sobie także w zaskakujących eksperymentach


Wiedza niezbędne informacje, teorie przełamujące schematy i mity, badania i odkrycia z różnych dziedzin: psychologii, neurobiologii, coachingu, NLP

  • Communication training is conducted in workshops - participants practice the techniques and tools they learn in a very diverse way.
  • Everyone receives training materials, exercises and tools (forms, cheat sheets, planners, etc.).
  • After communication training, the participant receives access to the 4GROW training platform, where:
    • all training materials are embedded and
    • is a forum for written communication with the trainer and training participants on this topic, enabling asking questions and exchanging experiences.
  • Online participants connect via a video-training platform with the trainer (and participants in the room, if they have registered as part of the Mix form).

Or maybe you prefer the classic, stationary form of training?

comfort of development in a comfortable chair 
and a maximum of 10 people in the room

See for yourself our quality -


Why do participants value our Communication training?

Only three days have passed since the communication training , and I can already see concrete results thanks to the use of the presented techniques and tools. I recommend this training to anyone who wants to improve the quality of communication, both at the family and business level.

A surprising method of conducting communication training , giving it a new dimension and value. Fantastic results! I learned a lot about myself, and what's more, thanks to the techniques I learned, I was able to make changes right away. And these are changes that were positively verified by other training participants. I recommend it to everyone.

and join the group of satisfied customers!

Would you like to talk to us or send an inquiry?

kontakt 4GROW

Are you interested in closed training or training for more than 5 people?

We will prepare the perfect offer for you!
kontakt - pytania

Do you have questions about the training?

We will be happy to answer!
Wpisz treść zapytania
pole wymagane Pola wymagane

Open training: stationary

We provide stationary services in Warsaw

Adrianna Ostrowska
Open training coordinator

Closed training: stationary | online

We provide stationary services throughout Poland

Agata Smykla
Closed training coordinator

Terminy szkoleń

2025-02-26 - 2025-02-27

Komunikacja interpersonalna

Wybierz ten wariant jeśli zależy Ci na treningu komunikacji i praktycznych narzędziach i technikach.
Warszawa Zarezerwuj
2025-03-26 - 2025-03-27

Komunikacja interpersonalna

Wybierz ten wariant jeśli zależy Ci na treningu komunikacji i praktycznych narzędziach i technikach.
Warszawa Zarezerwuj

Do you want to experience how powerful an area of ​​advanced techniques, communication, is?




Interpersonal communication training – the missing element

Who needs communication training? After all, communication is something that accompanies us all the time... In fact, if we reduce this competence to the ability to speak and listen, no one will need interpersonal communication training. However, the reality is a bit more complex, and deficits are a source of conflicts and make it impossible to develop a satisfactory solution in the area of ​​communication. It is only through training that many people become aware of the most common mistakes that make communication difficult.

"He definitely won't understand..." "I know what she will say..." Such statements are often made during interpersonal communication training. We think we know what others want to tell us, we make assumptions, we provide information - in fact, a large part of the communication process takes place in our heads. Participating in the training will make it much easier to identify stereotypes and mental shortcuts that we follow. This happens when we stop at the content of the message. If we could go lower - to the level of intentions and messages, there would not be so many misunderstandings. However, this requires learning - that's what communication training is for.

During interpersonal communication training, it is clear that even when we pay attention to the choice of words, we do not make sure that they are consistent with our non-verbal messages. Training is a place to experiment and make mistakes in a safe atmosphere. It doesn't matter that we are unable to provide constructive feedback, control the conversation or respond to various tricks used by our interlocutors. In reality, these skills or their lack are of great importance, which is why we train all these elements during the workshop.  As a result, communication becomes an effective tool for building understanding.

“He should have asked/told/provided me with information…” Sounds familiar? This is a very common phrase we use - and it is miscommunication. Training is a good solution. If this phrase is often in your vocabulary, it means that you tend to shift responsibility to others. Communication training shows that communication depends on both parties. Not only one person speaks, but the other should listen, ask questions, share their own thoughts, clarify when something becomes unclear. Such behaviors would significantly improve your development and our workshop will help you with this, because unfortunately we are usually too proud/lazy/insecure to take some responsibility and are more likely to complain about others' poor communication.

Listening skills cause the most problems for communication training participants. We often think that it is enough to do nothing else during a conversation. However, effective listening and thus actively striving to understand the other party's point of view - this is also communication. The workshops are a good opportunity to practice: paraphrasing, retaining, specifying and giving feedback - the 4 steps of responsible listening, which are the basis. You will master them to perfection during the training.

Instead of waiting to be asked your opinion at work, share your idea yourself. Ask questions when something is not clear to you. Talk about what you expect and need. Don't wait for someone to read your thoughts and complain about poor communication at work. The workshop will show you that… well, you may just never get what you want. Additionally, the training will make communication easier and more accessible for you. You will learn techniques that will help you learn to speak so that others will listen to you, and listen so that they want to talk to you. However, the most important thing is your attitude - only when you really want to get to know reality through the eyes of your interlocutor, communication training will become more than just a source of techniques and tools.


Start achieving quick results!