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Training: Time management and effective organization of working time

Training versions: 
online | stationary | mix | closed : Warsaw / Poland

     Efficiency ↑100% 

This is how much you can increase your ability to achieve your private and professional goals - after implementing time management principles and tools!

     30 = 15 + 12 + 3

This training is full of practical time management tools! You'll leave with a full portfolio of tools to better organize your work and private time, also in electronic version. 
15 techniques, 12 rules, 3 tools to transform your knowledge into new habits after the training!

     4.96 ♥ / 5

This is the average satisfaction rating of 392 participants of 56 editions of this training on a scale of 1-5, over the last eight years.


Check the program or BOOK

Effects of the training Time management

You will be prioritizing for 

  • Your decisions will always bring relatively the greatest financial efficiency,
  • and you will undertake them quickly and efficiently.

You will break the habits that block you

  • you will replace procrastination (i.e. postponing until later) with action here and now,
  • and you will replace time thieves with behaviors that serve your goals.

You will be more successful because

  • you will learn to set appropriate goals and
  • you will get rid of your "inner laziness" and critic.

You will gain energy and motivation

  • you will always find inner desire and determination within yourself (author's self-motivation technique), as well
  • you will regain a sense of control and job satisfaction.

And thanks to planning

  • you will have more time
  • and more energy!

We all have the same time - we only differ in how we use it!

They have already attended our training

Regardless of what kind of marketing a training company does - the number and content of opinions and their credibility absolutely verify the quality of the training! Read our participants' opinions about time management training and other training - they are the best proof of what you can expect. We have plenty of them (and that says something...), signed with full names and companies.

From the "Time Management" training I gain new tools for work, the ability to cope with routine and develop self-motivation, as well as new time management applications. I like the style and way of conducting the training.

Attractive training, great trainer who gets to know the participant's personality. Even though the "Time Management" training was conducted in a group, there was an individual approach and a personal approach to the problem. I am satisfied and will recommend the company.

More opinions from the training >>


and join the group of satisfied customers!

We conducted training for:

Who is the training: Time management for?

This training is for you if:

  • you postpone various tasks
  • "you put out fires"
  • You "hop" around various tasks and can't handle any of them thoroughly
  • you have trouble organizing your work and giving structure to your day
  • although you can see the results of your work, you work too much
  • you work too much, and you don't see the results of your work
  • you work normally, but you are not particularly effective
  • Your manager and/or business has higher expectations of your performance, and you cannot meet them
  • You are overwhelmed by the thought of the responsibilities awaiting you
  • you feel like you are losing control over your life
  • you don't delegate tasks, even though you have someone to delegate them to
  • you don't ask for support in completing your tasks, even though you have someone to ask
  • you work in chaos, noise, in an open space, under time pressure
  • you want to increase your effectiveness, efficiency and concentration


Arguments for the boss

You can also download them below as a PDF to conveniently submit to your supervisor;)


Improper time management results in you often thinking "I DON'T HAVE TIME" and:

  • You may have difficulty with:
    • meeting deadlines
    • planning the team's work
    • setting and implementing strategic goals
    • delegating tasks and supervising their implementation
    • concentration on the task
  • You feel overwhelmed by difficult tasks and complex projects
  • You can delay project completion times and hinder your team's work
  • The lack of a sense of agency lowers your motivation and well-being
  • You feel uncomfortable and tense

Effective time management means that you "HAVE TIME" and:

  • you meet deadlines and implement strategic tasks
  • you take responsibility for your working time
  • Your work is structured, the results are transparent
  • you focus on goals and tasks
  • you conduct business meetings effectively
  • you can release the energy to act
  • you have more self-confidence and consistency in cooperation
  • you take care of adequate rest and inner peace
Does your boss need solid arguments?

Everything your boss needs to decide on your enrollment. Present the package of benefits for the company resulting from your participation, and we will meet at a training session soon! :)

Przeczytaj program lub sprawdź inne warianty szkolenia

Pobierz program: pdfpdf

Two-day training program:  
Time management and effective work organization

1. Self-motivation and time management - how to make us feel like we want when we don't feel like it

  • Self-diagnosis of your time management - where is the time when it is not there
  • Your thinking strategies in time management - how changing one belief can change your life according to Dr. Carol Dweck
  • How to use your resources ( attitude, concentration, physical energy ) to increase your effectiveness
  • What motivates me to act - Your CIRCLE OF LIFE in the context of time management, 5Why's method
  • How to maintain high concentration - up time
  • Ways to maintain high motivation
  • Your REFA curve  – how to use your own daily rhythm in organizing your working time
  • Kaizen philosophy - how to deal with large tasks or "unwanted" ones
  • Questions that drive action – time management through self-coaching
  • Words that have power – the impact of neurolinguistics on your time management
  • Personal Agility System , i.e. personal agility (how to implement your long-term plans and visions while maintaining work-life balance)

2. Time management through goals - i.e. how to set goals to help yourself achieve them

  • SMART-UP – how to set goals to achieve success and how to hold yourself accountable to build your internal authority and sense of value
  • How to achieve your goals - Brian Tracy's method for achieving goals
  • Tools for working with a goal ( GROW model, Ziga Ziglar tool)
  • Time management through success criteria - how you will know when you have achieved it
  • Start with the end in mind - Kurt Vonnegut's time management strategy
  • Salami technique in organizing working time - a small, big deal

3. Time management through planning and prioritization - what to do to get done

  • How to use the Eisenchower Matrix so as not to "put out only fires" while working
  • ABCD /APM/4D/MoSCoW matrix – how to choose the most important tasks
  • How to manage time to get more profit from your activities - the Pareto Principle
  • The 60/40 rule – how to plan to end the day successfully
  • The ALPEN method and Parkinson's Law - how to plan to get everything done
  • How to use the time that others waste - the daily disruption curve in time management
  • "eat that frog" by Brian Tracy - a way to deal with the challenges of working time management
  • Power Hour – a way to be highly productive while working
  • The I Beam method – how to bear the weight every day

4. Time management also means dealing with time wasters and distractions

  • The 2-minute method – how to efficiently deal with the chaos of small tasks at work
  • Your basket - what to do with the things that occupy our minds
  • How to deal with the FOMO (fear of missing out) syndrome
  • Task grouping technique - a way to improve productivity and time management

5. Time management and procrastination - how not to make your life harder

  • Understand your own time management - why I procrastinate
  • Strategies for changing your approach to tasks
  • How to exercise willpower in the fight against procrastination
  • Pomodoro technique – a way to postpone and rationally manage your time
  • Increasing concentration as a way to better manage time . What to avoid to save up to 30% of your time - the saw effect
  • The container principle and multitasking in time management - how to concentrate and be more efficient
  • Day disruption curve - a strategy for greater work time efficiency

6. Time management in the context of your habits, or how to act automatically, increasing personal effectiveness

  • The power of habit according to Charles Duhigg - how to use the mechanisms of our brain to implement changes in your life
  • Habits of effective action according to Stephen Covey in time management
  • How to develop habits that support time management - we create an action plan
  • Implementation of intentions according to Peter Gollwitzer , or what to do to make it a habit

7. Review of applications supporting time management and implementing habits



Do you know super effective people? 
Join their group!

Reserve your place, time flies ;)

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Benefits - what will you get apart from training?

Time management training

The trainer will ask about your needs and propose an optimal program FREE

You can talk to a coach today about your problems and needs and make sure they are met. And they will be fulfilled, even if they go beyond the training formula, because only with us the "program" means something more than the training itself:

time management training

The trainer will take care of you during EXTRA individual training FREE

When you want to tackle a challenge that goes beyond the training program but is related to its topic, or prepare for an important and difficult situation, practice and make sure that you optimally apply the learned techniques - you have 90 minutes one-on-one with a trainer, within a year from training. Apart from that:

self-management during the Training

The trainer supports you by phone with unlimited hours FREE

After all, after the training, we start to see more, so new questions arise. And a helping hand is useful to combine the wealth of knowledge and techniques acquired from our training with your life. Additionally:

Time management training

Access to the online.4grow.pl platform FREE

After the training, each participant receives unlimited access to the 4GROW online platform, where they can preview training materials, use exercises and tools, read the list of recommended books and use the forum.

time management Training

Your training will be 100% FREE

Because we do not cancel training. For each training there is information about whether the training date is already guaranteed. Our training dates are covered by a guarantee - depending on the training topic - from 3, 2 or even 1 participant!

time management Training

Group training after training FREE

Every few months, we organize 2-hour group trainings, during which you have the opportunity to further practice in front of the audience and receive feedback from the trainer and participants - thanks to this, you can further develop your skills and refresh your techniques!


See for yourself how pleasant and effective development can be!

Trainers conducting time management training

If you have preferences regarding the trainer, please contact us and indicate your chosen trainer, and we will give you the date on which the training is conducted.


Małgorzata Jabłońska

Psycholog i praktyk biznesu, trener umiejętności miękkich, dwujęzyczny coach i mentor certyfikowany w USA

Psychologist and business practitioner, soft skills trainer, bilingual coach and mentor certified in the USA

Certified clinical psychologist. She completed master's studies at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw, as well as 4-year doctoral studies at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences as part of the Soros Foundation.

A business practitioner with 30 years of experience working in the corporate world in top managerial positions - in Poland, the region of Europe, Africa and the Middle East and in the USA. She has gained extensive experience in effective management of human teams - in multicultural environments, working on international and global projects at various stages of building corporate structures, in the departments of market research, business analyzes and the development of global innovations.

Trainer of trainers in the field of leadership and managerial skills training, team management and presentation (certificates obtained in the USA). He specializes in management and leadership, managing change in an organization, effective communication and conflict resolution, forum speeches and business presentations, as well as managerial coaching and mentoring.

Creator of original training and workshop programs, an experienced trainer and business presentation practitioner with extensive experience in introducing international training standards to the business world in Poland.

An expert in the field of innovative teaching methods - co-author of innovative solutions for teaching SGH students, also cooperating with PWSBiA in Warsaw and Collegium Verum, Postgraduate Studies.

Więcej Mniej

Time management training methodology

W naszych szkoleniach dostajesz właśnie w takich proporcjach:

metodyka mobile metodyka desktop

Techniki i narzędzia konkretne strategie działania adekwatne do sytuacji i optymalne narzędzia (np. formularze, scenariusze rozmów, matryce, ściągi) – gotowce, które wiesz jak wykorzystać na co dzień


Warsztat dzięki ćwiczeniom grupowym, grom, pracy w parach, na gorącym krześle, prowokacjom, wdrażasz nowe techniki i narzędzia, doświadczasz omawianych mechanizmów na sobie także w zaskakujących eksperymentach


Wiedza niezbędne informacje, teorie przełamujące schematy i mity, badania i odkrycia z różnych dziedzin: psychologii, neurobiologii, coachingu, NLP

  • The training is conducted in workshops - participants practice the techniques and tools they learn in a very diverse way.
  • Everyone receives training materials, exercises and tools (forms, cheat sheets, planners, etc.).
  • After the training, the participant receives access to the 4GROW training platform, where:
    • all training materials are embedded and
    • is a forum for written communication with the trainer and training participants on this topic, enabling asking questions and exchanging experiences.
  • Online participants connect via a video-training platform with the trainer (and participants in the room, if they have registered as part of the Mix form).

Or maybe you prefer the classic, stationary form of training?

comfort of development in a comfortable chair 
and a maximum of 10 people in the room


See for yourself our quality -


Why do participants value our Time Management training?

I highly recommend. Two days of time spent effectively, which will allow me to better organize my work time and, I expect, will save my time. The training was conducted in an interesting way, at a good pace, paying attention to the most important elements, tailored to our needs and expectations.

Time Management training - helpful and professional, it will help you gain free time and compress your work time without losing its quality.

Would you like to talk to us or send an inquiry?

kontakt 4GROW

Are you interested in closed training or training for more than 5 people?

We will prepare the perfect offer for you!
kontakt - pytania

Do you have questions about the training?

We will be happy to answer!
Wpisz treść zapytania
pole wymagane Pola wymagane

Open training: stationary

We provide stationary services in Warsaw

Adrianna Ostrowska
Open training coordinator

Closed training: stationary | online

We provide stationary services throughout Poland

Agata Smykla
Closed training coordinator

Terminy szkoleń

2024-10-30 - 2024-10-31

Zarządzanie czasem i efektywna organizacja czasu pracy

Szkolenie pełne technik i narzędzi do zarządzania czasem i dobrej organizacji pracy - bogate w ćwiczenia, trening i dzielenie się wnioskami!
Warszawa Zarezerwuj
2024-11-13 - 2024-11-14

Zarządzanie czasem i efektywna organizacja czasu pracy

Szkolenie pełne technik i narzędzi do zarządzania czasem i dobrej organizacji pracy - bogate w ćwiczenia, trening i dzielenie się wnioskami!
Warszawa Zarezerwuj
Do uzgodnienia

Szkolenie dedykowane / zamknięte - dopasujemy do Twoich potrzeb

Zamów szkolenie zamknięte, dedykowane specjalnie dla Twojego zespołu! Skontaktuj się z nami, a dopasujemy termin, miejsce i scenariusz szkolenia do specyfiki oraz potrzeb Waszej firmy!
Mix: Online lub dowolne miasto Zapytaj
2024-12-12 - 2024-12-13

Zarządzanie czasem i efektywna organizacja czasu pracy

Szkolenie pełne technik i narzędzi do zarządzania czasem i dobrej organizacji pracy - bogate w ćwiczenia, trening i dzielenie się wnioskami!
Warszawa Zarezerwuj

You will receive 30 techniques and tools for time management

thanks to which your efficiency will skyrocket, including:

  • 3 techniques and 2 principles of prioritization thanks to which your decisions will always bring relatively the greatest financial effectiveness.
  • 6 techniques and principles of planning work in such a way as to carry it out with the lowest possible energy expenditure, additionally saving time.
  • 6 techniques and principles of concentration that will help you do more at the same time and with better quality
  • An original self-motivation technique that will help you achieve optimal energy in any situation.
  • 7 rules and 2 techniques for setting goals so that they always end in success, also in a strategic, long-term perspective.
  • 3 mobile applications that will save you time and help you organize your affairs
  • Several functions and tips for Outlook that will increase your concentration at work and make planning much easier.
  • We will tell you how to conduct effective business meetings, limited in time to the necessary minimum

10 features that distinguish the Time Management training at 4GROW

  1. The training lasts 16 hours. and not 14, so you get 2 hours more training, and in it...
  2. Original experiments that completely change your motivation to use "time management" techniques and turn your current thinking upside down.
  3. Original self-motivation techniques thanks to which you maintain a high level of motivation after training and increase it when you are overwhelmed with workload and feel ineffective.
  4. 30 tested "time management" techniques ready for implementation.
  5. Mobile applications for time management that we have tested and use, as well as tips on how to use Outlook's functionality to help you "manage your time".
  6. You have lifetime, unlimited telephone support from us, the trainers, in your challenges and problems related to training.
  7. You have 90 minutes of individual training to practice techniques and develop solutions to your individual problems one-on-one with a trainer within a year of training.
  8. For a year after the training, we will inspire you with additional materials on time and self-management.
  9. We do not cancel training - your registration is enough to guarantee the date of this training.
  10. Read the opinions of our participants - they are the best proof of what you can expect. We have plenty of them (and that says something...), signed with the full name and company or position. Regardless of what kind of marketing a training company does, the number and content of opinions and their credibility absolutely verify the quality of the training.

Do you want to learn new skills from the best trainers?



Efficiency and self-motivation in organizing working time is something that every employee... and employer dreams of!

Time management is a difficult topic for many of us. Every day we try to stop time, extend it, tame it using numerous tools, i.e. smartphones, applications, calendars, reminders, post-its... The effect? Usually they are negligible, and often even worse - when we get lost in the number of gadgets we use. Solution? 
Start organizing and controlling your own activities, i.e. have a conscious influence, and the time management training will show you how, and increased efficiency will be a reward for the effort you put in.

Most of us are aware of the enormous importance of managing resources in the time available, but we "simply do not have time" to manage them properly. Today we debunk myths and time management training will increase your efficiency and self-motivation - time will be within your reach!

The problem with time management - efficiency and self-motivation can be reduced to the phrase "I don't have time." We don't have time to take a break to verify the plan at the end of the working day and consider whether the current task is important. We don't have time to analyze our working day, so we don't know what takes us the most time... As a result of this vicious circle, deadlines turn dangerously red and our level of frustration increases, negatively affecting motivation and effectiveness. Guilty? Certainly not, our (in)ability to manage time - efficiency and self-motivation are not as high as they could be due to a "stressful workplace". These are unorganized co-workers, too many tasks, an impatient and indecisive boss, industry specificity. This is how participants of time management training usually describe their reality.

The truth, which we often discover only during time management training, can hurt. Most often, we sabotage our own schedule. We have problems with time management - efficiency and self-motivation, because we perform urgent tasks for colleagues, not for ourselves. We eagerly volunteer to help with other projects, we plan conceptual work when our energy levels are low, we deal with many things at once, we set the bar too high... As a result of such poor time management, efficiency and self-motivation, we constantly postpone the execution of important (and usually difficult) tasks, because "I absolutely MUST do something else right now."

It's time for a change! Time management training is a good start, and the following three steps are crucial:

1. Concentration
Remember that it is a limited container. The more you put into it, the harder it is for you to focus on the task at hand - the worse results you achieve. It's hard to change the environment you work in, but you can learn to pay attention and take actions that will support your performance. Time management training will help you with this.

2. Prioritizing
It's not about doing as much as possible, but about doing what will bring measurable results. During time management training, we teach the implementation of the so-called Pareto principles. According to it, in 20% of the time spent on a task, you achieve 80% of the results, and 80% of the matters that occupy your attention are unnecessary. By focusing on what is really important, you will achieve tangible results.

3. Planning
Instead of completing tasks on time, take conscious and specific steps to improve your skill. Time management training is a good place to learn how to plan deadlines and execution times in order to maximize your efficiency and ensure that tasks do not extend over time. It is worth planning even unplanned activities, i.e. sudden and spontaneous matters, breaks or time wasters.

You will receive more tools and techniques during the time management training.

Don't waste time, sign up today!

Start achieving quick results!