4GROW Mateusz Dąbrowski 4GROW https://4grow.pl mailto:[email protected] 531314431 4GROW to butikowa, rodzinna firma szkoleniowa oferująca szkolenia najwyższej jakości z obszaru kompetencji miękkich, osobistych i menedżerskich 4grow.pl https://4grow.pl https://www.facebook.com/4GROW/ 4GROW
Panieńska 9 lok. 25 03-704 PL Warszawa
4GROW firma szkoleniowa szkolenia z kompetencji miękkich szkolenia menadżerskie

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Business negotiation training

Training versions: 
online | stationary | mix | closed : Warsaw / Poland


Do you want to feel more confident in negotiations - have more power?

   The aim of your negotiations is to find a solution that is good for both parties?

      You see that negotiation tricks and manipulation lead to nothing good?

          Are you looking for training in ethical negotiations that builds relationships with your contractor?


You are in the right place - we will teach you advanced and difficult negotiation techniques, but giving satisfaction to both parties - opening the way to long-term cooperation!

Check the program or BOOK

Training effects

  • you will "overpower" the tricks, tricks and tactics used on you in a negotiation situation
  • you will build an advantage during negotiations thanks to the ability to reduce the negotiating power of the other party
  • you will effectively reach an agreement that satisfies both parties to the negotiations (WIN-WIN), even in the event of a complete divergence of positions
  • you will be able to negotiate skillfully using any negotiation style, not only your natural one
  • you will take the negotiations out of an impasse or conflict and into a substantive and constructive discussion
  • you will set boundaries in negotiations to protect your interests when the other side wants to take advantage of you
  • you will feel confident and talk like a partner with a tough negotiator, soothing him with appropriate techniques
  • you will have control and the main influence on the course of the negotiation meeting

Opinions about the training

In life, we go through constant negotiations, both in our private and professional fields. This training gave me the opportunity to understandwhat is the real goal of negotiation and how to achieve this goal in a way that gives a lot of satisfaction and benefits. Apart from negotiation techniques, it gives you a lot of knowledge about yourself - very valuable. Excellently conducted, awakens the appetite for more.

Substantive, specific approach to the topic, extensive knowledge. 

Negotiation training is for you if:

  • you want to negotiate without aggression, tricks, manipulation, "pressing by force" - which destroy trust and relationships and cause the contractor to wait for a convenient moment to end cooperation or take revenge,
  • you negotiate sales and want to deal better with buyers, or
  • you negotiate purchases - products, services (e.g. training;)) and want to negotiate more effectively with suppliers,


  • you have experience in negotiations and want to supplement your intuitive skills with new, proven and unique techniques, or
  • you have not had any negotiation training and are ready for intense intellectual effort to acquire, in addition to fundamental techniques, advanced and unique negotiation techniques during my training, or
  • this is not your first negotiation training, and you are looking for something more, at a higher level, with original, unique techniques
Przeczytaj program lub sprawdź inne warianty szkolenia

Pobierz program: pdfpdf

Business negotiation training program - Academy of New Negotiations

1. What are New Negotiations in the context of known negotiation styles

1. What negotiation styles do we know and what are the consequences of using each of them

2. What is the biological basis of negotiating power and building an advantage - why is the Win-Win model so difficult to achieve in practice?

3. Win-Win as an element of long-term strategy in the light of prof. game theory. J. Nash ("A Beautiful Mind")

4. 6 fundamental principles of an effective negotiator and their impact on the results of negotiations

2. Tricks and tactics during negotiations

1. How to recognize a bluff and a lie by facial expressions and micro facial expressions?

2. How to recognize manipulations and negotiation tricks and deal with them by turning them to your advantage:

  • A valuable concession
  • Good-bad cop
  • What if...
  • Door in the face
  • Reward in paradise
  • Incomplete powers of attorney
  • Time manipulation
  • Depreciation
  • Apparent concessions
  • Test balloon
  • Open window
  • Empty wallet
  • Plucking
  • Foot in the door
  • A successful shock
  • The principle of competition
  • Leaving the table

3. When should you use which tactics?

4. What is the difference between a tactic and a gimmick?

5. How to argue in response to the tricks or tactics used?

6. Where is the line between persuasion and manipulation?

7. What is the role of ethics in negotiations?

8. 1-on-1 negotiation simulation, allowing you to use the acquired knowledge in practice

3. Negotiations as a process spread over time

  1. What are the stages in the negotiation process?
  2. How to effectively prepare for each stage of negotiations?
  3. How to effectively write and rank goals - using the Nego-SMART sheet.
  4. Time management as a resource in the negotiation process.
  5. Deadlock as an element of negotiation strategy.
  6. BATNA and ZOPA – what are they and how to build a negotiation strategy based on them?
  7. How to open auctions and conduct them fairly?
  8. How to submit proposals?
  9. When to stop bidding and when to withdraw?
  10. How to negotiate positionally and not entrench yourself in positions?
  11. Why is ZOPA not a common budget range on both sides of the negotiations?
  12. How can negotiations be ruined by incorrectly estimating ZOPA?
  13. What is the importance of BATNA and WATNA for ZOPA?
  14. Why is it not worth relying on leaks about the budget of the other negotiating party?
  15. 1-on-1 negotiation simulation, allowing you to use the acquired knowledge in practice

4. Neurolinguistics and building authority in the negotiation process

  1. How to influence the achievement of your negotiation goal using appropriate sentence syntax and presuppositions?
  2. How to build your authority and charisma using appropriate sentence syntax and presuppositions?
  3. How to respond to demands in a way that opens up further discussion?
  4. How to respond to unacceptable proposals without risking a clinch.
  5. How to overcome an impasse using the so-called "solution framework".
  6. How to negotiate (e.g. contracts) in comments so as not to discourage the other party?
  7. What to pay attention to - e-mail and telephone negotiations
  8. What seats to take and how to arrange the space in the room?
  9. How to greet each other in a situation where there are many negotiators, limited space and barriers (e.g. long table)?
  10. How to build authority and your own position in negotiations using non-verbal signals (body language and voice)?
  11. Simulation of team negotiations, allowing you to use the acquired knowledge in practice - the simulation is recorded on video, then played back and subjected to detailed analysis in terms of strategy, tactics used, neurolinguistics, verbal and non-verbal communication, and factors that bring you closer to and further from an agreement.

5. Original 4WIN methodology - algorithm for reaching an agreement.

  1. How to go beyond bidding?
  2. How to reach a more advanced level of negotiation than business?
  3. How to recognize the needs and beliefs of the other party in the negotiation?
  4. How to navigate the map of beliefs of an interlocutor-negotiator?
  5. How to distinguish the beliefs of a negotiator that are key to negotiations from those that are peripheral?
  6. How to use beliefs and values ​​to create an infinite number of solutions that satisfy both parties?
  7. How to use the beliefs of the other negotiating party to change its position?
  8. How to build a partnership relationship
  9. How to lead the other side using 4WIN™ from entrenching positions to discovering new mutually satisfying solutions


Bonus in the training package - you have a chance to join 
the Association of Business Negotiators !

Negotiate what was previously out of your reach!

Sign up for training at 4GROW!

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Benefits - what will you get apart from training?

Negotiation training

The trainer will ask about your needs and propose the optimal
program FREE

You can talk to a coach today about your problems and needs and make sure they are met. And they will be fulfilled, even if they go beyond the negotiation training formula, because only with us "program" means more than just training:

Negotiation training

The trainer will take care of you during EXTRA individual training FREE

When you want to tackle a challenge that goes beyond the Win-Win Negotiations training program, but is related to its topic, or prepare for an important and difficult situation, practice and make sure that you optimally apply the learned techniques - you have 90 minutes alone with the trainer, within one year of training. Apart from that:

Negotiation training

The trainer supports you by phone without any hours limit FREE

After all, after the training, we start to see more, so new questions arise. And a helping hand is useful to combine the wealth of knowledge and techniques acquired from our negotiation training with your life. Additionally:

Negotiation training

Access to the online platform.4grow.pl FREE

After the negotiation training, each participant receives unlimited access to the 4GROW online platform, where he or she can preview training materials, use exercises and tools, read the list of recommended books and use the forum.

Negotiation training

Your training will be 100% FREE

Because we do not cancel training. Each Win-Win Negotiations training includes information on whether the training date is already guaranteed. Our training dates are covered by a guarantee - depending on the training topic - from 3, 2 or even 1 participant!

Negotiation training

Group training after training FREE

Every few months, we organize 2-hour group trainings, during which you have the opportunity to further practice in front of the audience and receive feedback from the trainer and participants - thanks to this, you can further develop your skills and refresh your techniques!


What will you get during the Negotiation training?

  • new knowledge and unique negotiation techniques that you will not encounter in other trainings (e.g. 4WIN™)
  • a lot of practice - during case studies, negotiation simulations and exercises
  • a completely new point of view and a positive approach to negotiations that will break you out of the routine and "violent" approach to negotiations
  • real yourself as a negotiator - an image of your weaknesses and strong areas , which I will also illustrate with feedback and development tips
  • negotiations, negotiation failures, renegotiations and successes - and then you will discover what really works and what slows down and makes negotiations more difficult
  • you will organize and recall generally available knowledge from negotiations

Your return on investment in training:

  • First of all, you will not make concessions during negotiations for fear of losing the agreement - remember all your sales price reductions or agreement not to reduce the purchase price and think about the scale of savings you will have in return from now on!
  • how many contractors left your table or did not come back to cooperate with you again? Now they will come back and the decision to leave the table will be made by you. Long-term, good relationships and diversification of contractors in negotiations mean huge savings!
  • High negotiation effectiveness means your professional satisfaction, it motivates you to achieve better results, it brings a smile to the world around you. I will show you the beautiful and human dimension of negotiations.



If you think about the above, 
the investment in this training is a percentage of your and your company's profits!

See for yourself how pleasant and effective development can be!




Małgorzata Jabłońska

Psycholog i praktyk biznesu, trener umiejętności miękkich, dwujęzyczny coach i mentor certyfikowany w USA

Psychologist and business practitioner, soft skills trainer, bilingual coach and mentor certified in the USA

Certified clinical psychologist. She completed master's studies at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw, as well as 4-year doctoral studies at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences as part of the Soros Foundation.

A business practitioner with 30 years of experience working in the corporate world in top managerial positions - in Poland, the region of Europe, Africa and the Middle East and in the USA. She has gained extensive experience in effective management of human teams - in multicultural environments, working on international and global projects at various stages of building corporate structures, in the departments of market research, business analyzes and the development of global innovations.

Trainer of trainers in the field of leadership and managerial skills training, team management and presentation (certificates obtained in the USA). He specializes in management and leadership, managing change in an organization, effective communication and conflict resolution, forum speeches and business presentations, as well as managerial coaching and mentoring.

Creator of original training and workshop programs, an experienced trainer and business presentation practitioner with extensive experience in introducing international training standards to the business world in Poland.

An expert in the field of innovative teaching methods - co-author of innovative solutions for teaching SGH students, also cooperating with PWSBiA in Warsaw and Collegium Verum, Postgraduate Studies.

Więcej Mniej

Training methodology

W naszych szkoleniach dostajesz właśnie w takich proporcjach:

metodyka mobile metodyka desktop

Techniki i narzędzia konkretne strategie działania adekwatne do sytuacji i optymalne narzędzia (np. formularze, scenariusze rozmów, matryce, ściągi) – gotowce, które wiesz jak wykorzystać na co dzień


Warsztat dzięki ćwiczeniom grupowym, grom, pracy w parach, na gorącym krześle, prowokacjom, wdrażasz nowe techniki i narzędzia, doświadczasz omawianych mechanizmów na sobie także w zaskakujących eksperymentach


Wiedza niezbędne informacje, teorie przełamujące schematy i mity, badania i odkrycia z różnych dziedzin: psychologii, neurobiologii, coachingu, NLP

  • The training is conducted in workshops - participants practice the techniques and tools they learn in a very diverse way.
  • Everyone receives training materials, exercises and tools (forms, cheat sheets, planners, etc.).
  • After the training, the participant receives access to the 4GROW training platform, where:
    • all training materials are embedded and
    • is a forum for written communication with the trainer and training participants on this topic, enabling asking questions and exchanging experiences.
  • Online participants connect via a video-training platform with the trainer (and participants in the room, if they have registered as part of the Mix form).

Or maybe you prefer the classic, stationary form of training?

comfort of development in a comfortable chair 
and a maximum of 10 people in the room

See for yourself our quality -


Why participants value our training

Mateusz is the best prepared and most competent trainer I have had the pleasure of working with over 8 years.

I received Mateusz's contact information based on a recommendation. The individual and innovative approach helped me look at Win-Win and the topic of negotiations differently. Thanks Mateusz! THE BEST!

Wybierz wariant szkolenia i zarezerwuj miejsce

Wariant szkolenia:

Zaproponuj termin szkolenia - czekamy na Twojego maila!

Cena Regular:
Do wyczerpania miejsc
2 500 zł netto
  • Trening indywidualny 60 minut gratis
  • Kontakt z trenerem bez limitu godzin gratis
  • Nielimitowany dostęp do platformy online 4GROW gratis
  • Jeśli to Twoje kolejne szkolenie odbierz rabat 100zł
  • Nielimitowany dostęp do tematycznej, zamkniętej grupy rozwojowej online
Rodzaj szkolenia
Mój wybór to szkolenie:

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Informacja o stanowisku pozwala trenerowi dostosowywać treści szkolenia do profilu zawodowego Uczestnika a E-mail oraz telefon kontaktowy umożliwiają nam zbadanie potrzeb Uczestnika i przekazanie szczegółów organizacyjnych nt. szkolenia (SMS).
Podaj dokładny adres do wysyłki w polu uwag poniżej.

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Dane do faktury

Would you like to talk to us or send an inquiry?

kontakt 4GROW

Are you interested in closed training or training for more than 5 people?

We will prepare the perfect offer for you!
kontakt - pytania

Do you have questions about the training?

We will be happy to answer!
Wpisz treść zapytania
pole wymagane Pola wymagane

Open training: stationary

We provide stationary services in Warsaw

Adrianna Ostrowska
Open training coordinator

Terminy szkoleń

2025-03-19 - 2025-03-20

Negocjacje biznesowe - poziom I

Wybierz ten wariant, jeśli chcesz poznać praktyczne techniki, taktyki i chwyty negocjacyjne. Będziesz swobodnie negocjować dowolny temat, osiągając efekt win-win.
Warszawa Zarezerwuj
2025-05-05 - 2025-05-06

Negocjacje biznesowe - poziom I

Wybierz ten wariant, jeśli chcesz poznać praktyczne techniki, taktyki i chwyty negocjacyjne. Będziesz swobodnie negocjować dowolny temat, osiągając efekt win-win.
Warszawa Zarezerwuj

Do you want to negotiate with the president of the Association of Business Negotiators?



Negotiation training – how to achieve what you want

Negotiations in purchases, sales and business are a world where there is no room for compromise, you have to be tough, or you lose! This popular belief is often the reason why, despite training, negotiations do not end with success. Indeed, compromise is not the best solution - the aim of negotiations is not to make mutual concessions, but to pursue the interests of both parties. However, going hard will rarely be the best strategy in the real world.

The most effective style we teach during the Negotiation training is WIN-WIN. The basis for success in this case is that we treat the other party as a partner, not an opponent, and together we look for the optimal solution. Many people think that this style is impossible to achieve. It requires proper study and practice to be effective. It is worth taking part in the workshop to reach a higher level of professionalism!

Step 1: Separate people from business It is important to emphasize the importance of good relationships 
during negotiation training.  Do you want the other party to show willingness to cooperate? Respect the other person's different point of view, be empathetic, and try to find out how the other side interprets the facts. Avoid biases and assumptions.

Step 2: Think about the problem and its solution
Arguing during negotiations will not lead to anything constructive. Choose respect - do not lecture your interlocutor. During the training, we teach the difficult art of questioning the offer, not the person who presented it.

Step 3: Be creatively active
Too often we are clinging to the initial position, not seeing the broader horizon of the conversations. Dare to modify your initial positions - perhaps this will help you find a solution that is beneficial to both parties.

Step 4: Make sure the criteria for the agreement are objective.
Make sure the other party accepts the same criteria, don't assume they are obvious. 
Ask for a justification of the offer proposed by the other party, without attacking its competences (e.g. "Why does the cost of the product amount to this much?"). 
During the training, you will experience how each stage of the negotiation process contributes to the final success, which is why it requires our involvement.

Step 5: Get down to business
Often, the parties' initial positions differ dramatically. This does not mean that reaching an agreement during negotiations is impossible, but it requires more effort and appropriate tools. To go lower - from the level of positions to interests and motivations - you can use specific, in-depth questions. By identifying values, you expand the range of possibilities because there is usually more than one way to pursue a given interest.

Step 6: Prepare your BATNA in advance
The Best Possible Alternative Action in the Event of Failure to Agreement (BATNA) is your source of strength. By preparing them in advance, you protect yourself against accepting terms that are less favorable than your BATNA or hastily rejecting offers due to an overly optimistic assessment of the alternatives. This preparation process, which you will master to perfection during the training, increases your self-confidence and calmness, which will be your additional advantages during conversations.

During the Trade Negotiations training, you will gain the resources and practice necessary to become an effective negotiator, come join us!

Start achieving quick results!


Are there any negotiation techniques for the Win-Win effect?

What is Win-Win negotiation and is it a compromise?