4GROW Mateusz Dąbrowski 4GROW https://4grow.pl mailto:[email protected] 531314431 4GROW to butikowa, rodzinna firma szkoleniowa oferująca szkolenia najwyższej jakości z obszaru kompetencji miękkich, osobistych i menedżerskich 4grow.pl https://4grow.pl https://www.facebook.com/4GROW/ 4GROW
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Training: Assertiveness and defense against manipulation

Training versions:
online | stationary | mix | closed: Warsaw/Poland

Imagine that you can easily say what you think and, in addition, you use a form that is constructive, building relationships, even when you refuse and still achieve your goals. Do you like this vision? This is what it means to be assertive.

And how do you do being assertive? Here's how we do it: you build internal strategies for self-confidence and courage, you learn 31 assertiveness techniques, you practice, you see that the results are great, so you like it and continue being assertive.

The key is to get the techniques in a package with appropriate thinking strategies, otherwise you will not have the courage and confidence to use the techniques.

Check the program or BOOK

Effects of Assertiveness training

During the training, you will learn:

They have already attended our training

Regardless of what kind of marketing a training company does - the number and content of opinions and their credibility absolutely verify the quality of the training! Read the opinions of our participants about assertiveness training and other training - they are the best proof of what you can expect. We have plenty of them (and that says something...), signed with full names and companies.

Very good assertiveness training, which helped me understand my own built-in obstacles that make my work and life difficult. Practical exercises and time to think allowed for self-reflection and drawing conclusions. I would highly recommend.

The assertiveness workshops were prepared very professionally. Once again, full admiration for the 4GROW company. After the training, you will learn simple techniques that are useful in everyday situations.

More opinions from the training >>


and join the group of satisfied customers!

Arguments for the boss

It is thanks to assertive employees that the company has a chance to achieve its business goals
effectively, in an atmosphere of cooperation, partnership and respect!

We especially recommend strengthening assertiveness to employees who:

- cooperate with others
- manage the team
- have contact with clients or contractors

An employee without an assertive attitude:

  • is afraid to express their recommendations, which may deprive the company of the most effective solutions
  • is prone to giving in to pressure from contractors, clients and co-workers
  • has difficulty performing the tasks entrusted to him on time because he takes on the responsibilities of other co-workers, contractors or subordinates or carries them out on time, at the expense of working overtime, resulting in frustration and motivational burnout
  • may react emotionally to the feedback received
  • may avoid contact and feel dissatisfied with work

Assertive employee:

  • expresses his/her opinion and recommends solutions to problems
  • resolves conflicts, undertakes difficult conversations and does not run away from problems
  • effectively enforces the execution of instructions, fulfillment of contract terms, etc.
  • Is able to defend the company's interests and does not give in to attempts to exert influence
  • accepts feedback as a necessary improvement process
  • communicates the needs of themselves, the team and the entire organization
  • is more effective and self-confident
Does your boss need solid arguments?

Everything your boss needs to decide on your enrollment. Present the package of benefits for the company resulting from your participation, and we will meet at a training session soon! :)

Przeczytaj program lub sprawdź inne warianty szkolenia

Pobierz program: pdfpdf

Two-day training program:
Assertiveness and defense against manipulation

1. Assertiveness – it's more than saying "no"

  • Myths about unassertive people – who is really assertive
  • What is "deep assertiveness" - how to properly understand assertiveness - what are the causes of unassertive behavior
  • Non-assertive behavior and their consequences:
    • Aggression
    • Submission
    • Manipulation
  • How to assess whether you are behaving assertively
  • When non-assertive behavior is a good choice
  • What are the benefits of assertiveness and what are the risks?
  • Assertiveness matrix – how is it for you?

2. Assertive attitude - we eliminate the barriers of assertiveness from your head

  • Defense mechanisms – how to consciously react to the situation at a given moment.
  • Anti-assertive thinking - how to change the negative monologue in your head into thinking that promotes assertiveness:
    • Catastrophizing
    • Negative opinions about yourself
    • Excessive conditions for assertiveness
    • Self-punishment
    • Duties and norms
  • Values, needs, beliefs - how they influence your assertiveness (work on the 4GROW™ levels of mental functioning)
  • Assertive rights – what rights you have and how to use them

3. Three pillars of deep assertiveness - build your inner strength

  • Courage - how to arouse courage at any time - training in 7 steps for effectively activating assertive behavior.
  • Self-esteem – what is self-esteem and how to strengthen it:
    • Values - Your resources
    • The TOBe™ principle
  • Self-confidence – how to increase it using the SZM™ Strategy

4. Assertiveness in communication and relationships - training techniques:

  • Assertive refusal technique - when you want to take care of your needs and interests first
  • Broken Record Technique - when the interlocutor does not accept your words and puts pressure
  • Zawisza™ techniques - the interlocutor wants something from you that you do not want to agree to
  • Assertive postponement techniques - someone puts you in a situation where you don't yet know how you want to behave or what to respond
  • Alternative Techniques™ - when you want to diplomatically show the value of your solution and make you aware of the consequences of your choice
  • The POP™ rule - when someone addresses you in a way you do not accept; behaves in a way that doesn't suit you

5. Conflicts in relationships and assertive defense against manipulation
– how to assertively express your opinion when you disagree with the interlocutor

  • How to change the direction of the conversation and turn an unconstructive dialogue into a substantive conversation:
    • Cards on the Table™ technique (thanks to which you can check your interlocutor's intentions and expose manipulation).
    • Open Door and Ju-Jitsu techniques (thanks to them you will react to unconstructive verbal attacks directed at you)
  • Problem frame vs. solution frame (NVC - nonviolent communication according to Marshall Rosenberg) - how to focus on the solution, not the conflict
  • Assertiveness without guilt - how to react in harmony with yourself and not torment yourself with guilt
  • Assertiveness without feeling of harm - drama triangle - how to stop being a "victim" and take care of your interests

Start creating a new you today!

Sign up for the 4GROW Assertiveness Course!

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Benefits - what will you get apart from training?

Assertiveness training

The trainer will ask about your needs and propose an optimal program  FREE

You can talk to a coach today about your problems and needs and make sure they are met. And they will be fulfilled, even if they go beyond the Manager Academy formula, because only with us the "program" means something more than the training itself:

Assertiveness training

The trainer will take care of you during EXTRA individual training FREE

When you want to tackle a challenge that goes beyond the Manager Academy program, but is related to its topic, or prepare for an important and difficult situation, practice and make sure that you optimally apply the learned techniques - you have 90 minutes one-on-one with a trainer, during the year from training. Apart from that:

Assertiveness training

The trainer supports you by phone with unlimited hours FREE

After all, after the training, we start to see more, so new questions arise. And a helping hand is useful to combine the wealth of knowledge and techniques acquired from our Manager Academy with your life. Additionally:

See for yourself how pleasant and effective development can be!

Trainers conducting Assertiveness training

If you have preferences regarding the trainer, please contact us and indicate your chosen trainer, and we will give you the date on which the training is conducted.


Małgorzata Jabłońska

Psycholog i praktyk biznesu, trener umiejętności miękkich, dwujęzyczny coach i mentor certyfikowany w USA

Psychologist and business practitioner, soft skills trainer, bilingual coach and mentor certified in the USA

Certified clinical psychologist. She completed master's studies at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw, as well as 4-year doctoral studies at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences as part of the Soros Foundation.

A business practitioner with 30 years of experience working in the corporate world in top managerial positions - in Poland, the region of Europe, Africa and the Middle East and in the USA. She has gained extensive experience in effective management of human teams - in multicultural environments, working on international and global projects at various stages of building corporate structures, in the departments of market research, business analyzes and the development of global innovations.

Trainer of trainers in the field of leadership and managerial skills training, team management and presentation (certificates obtained in the USA). He specializes in management and leadership, managing change in an organization, effective communication and conflict resolution, forum speeches and business presentations, as well as managerial coaching and mentoring.

Creator of original training and workshop programs, an experienced trainer and business presentation practitioner with extensive experience in introducing international training standards to the business world in Poland.

An expert in the field of innovative teaching methods - co-author of innovative solutions for teaching SGH students, also cooperating with PWSBiA in Warsaw and Collegium Verum, Postgraduate Studies.

Więcej Mniej

Assertiveness training methodology

W naszych szkoleniach dostajesz właśnie w takich proporcjach:

metodyka mobile metodyka desktop

Techniki i narzędzia konkretne strategie działania adekwatne do sytuacji i optymalne narzędzia (np. formularze, scenariusze rozmów, matryce, ściągi) – gotowce, które wiesz jak wykorzystać na co dzień


Warsztat dzięki ćwiczeniom grupowym, grom, pracy w parach, na gorącym krześle, prowokacjom, wdrażasz nowe techniki i narzędzia, doświadczasz omawianych mechanizmów na sobie także w zaskakujących eksperymentach


Wiedza niezbędne informacje, teorie przełamujące schematy i mity, badania i odkrycia z różnych dziedzin: psychologii, neurobiologii, coachingu, NLP

  • Assertiveness training is conducted in workshops - participants practice the techniques and tools they learn in a very diverse way.
  • Everyone receives training materials, exercises and tools (forms, cheat sheets, planners, etc.).
  • After the assertiveness training, the participant receives access to the 4GROW training platform, where:
    • all training materials are embedded and
    • is a forum for written communication with the trainer and training participants on this topic, enabling asking questions and exchanging experiences.
  • Online participants connect via a video-training platform with the trainer (and participants in the room, if they have registered as part of the Mix form).

Or maybe you prefer the classic, stationary form of training?

comfort of development in a comfortable chair 
and max 10 people in the room


See for yourself our quality -


Why do participants value our Assertiveness training?

The assertiveness course at 4GROW thoroughly and comprehensively answers the question "How to take care of your needs and communicate them assertively." I recommend it to people who stand at the end of the queue "for care". 

Fascinating, unconventional, thought-provoking assertiveness training. I have never learned so much useful content relating to various areas of life from any other training. Very professional management, excellent atmosphere while encouraging participants to work and think creatively. I recommend it to everyone, regardless of age and profession.

Would you like to talk to us or send an inquiry?

kontakt 4GROW

Are you interested in closed training or training for more than 5 people?

We will prepare the perfect offer for you!
kontakt - pytania

Do you have questions about the training?

We will be happy to answer!
Wpisz treść zapytania
pole wymagane Pola wymagane

Open training: stationary

We provide stationary services in Warsaw

Adrianna Ostrowska
Open training coordinator

Assertiveness training dates

2025-04-24 - 2025-04-25

Asertywność i obrona przed manipulacją - 2 dniowy Trening Asertywności

Asertywność i obrona przed manipulacją - 2 dni · Wzmocnisz pewność siebie · Uchronisz się przed rolą ofiary i regułami wpływu · Spokojnie zareagujesz na atak
Warszawa Zarezerwuj
2025-06-12 - 2025-06-13

Asertywność i obrona przed manipulacją - 2 dniowy Trening Asertywności

Asertywność i obrona przed manipulacją - 2 dni · Wzmocnisz pewność siebie · Uchronisz się przed rolą ofiary i regułami wpływu · Spokojnie zareagujesz na atak
Warszawa Zarezerwuj

Do you want to learn new skills from the best trainers?

Test our assertiveness during the training!

Assertiveness training – who will benefit from it?

A colleague talks in an open space so loudly that it drowns out your thoughts / your partner burdens you with most of the responsibilities / your boss humiliates you in the presence of your colleagues... Usually you are unable to react in such situations, and even when you do, it does not bring the expected result? Do you think: "If only I had similar courage, self-confidence and assertiveness..."? / "I finally have to sign up for this assertiveness training."
Are you convinced that some people have an easy time creating a reality consistent with their own expectations and needs, while others unfortunately have to adapt to this reality?


The first and most important thing you will learn during assertiveness training is that assertiveness is not a personality or temperament trait, but a skill that EVERYONE can learn. Some people acquired them earlier, for example in the process of upbringing, but this does not mean that you cannot develop them to an equal or even greater extent!

It's worth starting by becoming aware of your own limits. The right of others to "wave their fists" ends when your comfort is violated. However, to protect your own boundaries, you must first become aware of them and sometimes even set them again. A good place for this may be assertiveness training. In everyday life, we rarely have the opportunity or motivation to think about what and to whom we want to allow and what bothers us.

The next important step during training: assertiveness is identifying and modifying current reactions. When asked, threatened or shouted, many people instinctively agree, compromise, do not say what they really think... These are natural reactions resulting from the fear of refusal, rejection, escalation of the problem, loss of certain benefits we derive from being submissive or simply from ignorance of other strategies of action. As a result, we often feel uncomfortable, do not achieve our goals, do something we do not want and feel sorry for ourselves ("Why didn't I react differently...?").

If you're fed up with it and want to change something, you're probably wondering how to do it?! Do you think that it is enough to sign up for some assertiveness training? Not necessarily…
It is impossible to reduce competences such as assertiveness and defense against manipulation to the level of freely using the word "no", which is often the main point of the training program. First, it's about the ability to take care of your own comfort. This requires courage, breaking often long-standing habits and, of course, mastering new, constructive strategies of action. For most people, this is easier when they receive the right support and tools during training. Assertiveness is also more than just reactions to the behavior of others and the circumstances encountered. It's a proactive attitude - you don't wait, you create opportunities, you come up with proposals, you create reality in a way that suits you.

Change doesn't come easy. During the assertiveness training, you have the opportunity to confront your own limitations in a safe space under the supervision of a professional. You will develop and practice behaviors that are consistent with your needs, and not with existing patterns. New skills require practice, so assertiveness training gives you room to make mistakes and draw conclusions before you start implementing changes in your everyday life.

At first, people around you may react with surprise, and you may need some time and a few stumbles to feel completely comfortable with the new way of behaving developed during the training. You will achieve your goal thanks to your work and courage. You will be able to clearly set boundaries, say no without feeling guilty, talk about what you need, enforce desired behaviors, and react when "something is wrong." After the assertiveness training, you will be able to build your authority and take care of your own comfort while respecting the boundaries of others.

Still think it's not for you? That you are not predisposed to it? Don't let yourself be told that you can't take care of yourself and improve the quality of your life. You can! The question is, will you dare to sign up for the training: Assertiveness and defense against manipulation and finally CHANGE something?!

Start achieving quick results!

Sign up for training!