4GROW Mateusz Dąbrowski 4GROW https://4grow.pl mailto:[email protected] 531314431 Mo-Fri 08:00-17:00 4GROW to butikowa, rodzinna firma szkoleniowa oferująca szkolenia najwyższej jakości z obszaru kompetencji miękkich, osobistych i menedżerskich 4grow.pl https://4grow.pl https://www.facebook.com/4GROW/ 4GROW
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4GROW firma szkoleniowa szkolenia z kompetencji miękkich szkolenia menadżerskie

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First time manager - training

Building the manager's competence and authority

Training versions:
online | stationary | mix | closed

As a manager, do you want to manage the multitude of tasks for your team and organizational chaos so as not to be overworked ?

The manager's personal effectiveness is manifested in prioritizing and planning one's own and the team's work, well organizing the multitude of team tasks and ensuring effective delegation of tasks to the team.

When you become a manager, your first task is to arrange the work of yourself and your team so that your role is not limited to putting out fires and operational work.

To develop as a manager and develop your team as well as improve results, you need to generate time for:

  • thinking,
  • forecasting,
  • optimizing and
  • development – ​​people and processes.

To achieve this, you need to ensure that all tasks that can be delegated are delegated and that processes function optimally, that priorities in the team are adequately set and translated into realistic plans. And this is what our training will provide you.

Check the program or Book

Effects of First time manager training

During the training, you will learn:

  • efficiency techniques: prioritization, planning and concentration
  • delegating in a way that reduces the risk of employee errors
  • how to set boundaries and build a manager's authority
  • how to communicate effectively with different types of employees

This will give you more time and peace of mind to focus on improving the efficiency of your employees at the next stage!

They have already taken advantage of the First time manager training at 4GROW – what are their impressions?

The training broadens horizons on the topics discussed, shows various problems and how to approach them in order to solve them effectively. I sincerely recommend it!

Before I came to the training, I thought I knew and could do a lot. After completing the training, I admit that I knew nothing and I still had a lot to learn.

and join the group of satisfied customers!

We conducted training for:

Read the program or choose a different level of training

Not sure which level of training to choose?
- take a test to determine your managerial level and recommend the level of training!

Only 4 questions, it will take you 10 minutes!

Take the test!

Pobierz program: pdfpdf

Level I - training program: First time manager: Building the manager's competence and authority

1.  The authority and influence of your role as a manager in managing a team is powerful - use it!

  • How to manage your colleagues recently to create a new, constructive relationship in which you have the authority of the boss in the eyes of the employee and there are no insults and conflicts
  • How to behave towards employees and what decisions to make so as not to drown in the multitude of tasks?
  • Manager SWOT - how to strengthen your leadership position
  • What are the functions of a manager in management? We expand the scope of your perception - your influence:
    • organization
    • delegation
    • motivating
    • settlement
  • Boss's exposé - level I - how to present yourself, expectations towards the team and build authority and trust through neurolinguistics?
  • Recognize your personality and employees based on Jung's model to achieve understanding and effectiveness in communication with a team consisting of:
    • introverts and extroverts
    • people making decisions based on subjective or objective arguments

2. What is manager personal effectiveness and how can you achieve it?

To effectively manage a team, you first need to manage yourself effectively, i.e. concentrate, prioritize and plan. Then comes the readiness and ease in prioritizing and planning the team's work, which you express through delegation. In this training we will cover both areas:

  • What prevents you from being as effective as a manager - identifying distractors and developing a change strategy
  • What you can influence and how to increase your sphere of influence - a mental strategy of agency
  • How to set goals to increase your chance of success and be able to hold yourself accountable fairly and objectively (SMART-UP technique)
  • How to prioritize and then divide and plan your and your employees' tasks to manage the multitude of tasks, organize them and ensure business efficiency:
    • Pareto principle
    • ALPEN technique
    • Disturbance curve
    • Performance curve
    • The 60:20:20 rule
    • Parkinson's law
  • Which tasks to delegate to employees and which to plan for yourself - Eisenhower's Matrix
  • How to recognize that it is worth changing established priorities and plans to ensure optimal efficiency
  • Sherman's 6 Levels - or how to delegate to make sure that the employee will perform the task in accordance with your expectations and you will not correct it afterward
  • A short presentation of the possibilities of improving a manager's work offered by popular programs: MS Outlook and MS Planner: delegation, monitoring and settlement

3. How to set boundaries and not overwhelm employees - how can you be an assertive manager?

  • Positive and empowering (employee) refusal - Zawisza™ technique
  • Constructive refusal that builds responsibility and agency in the employee - the Conditioning™ technique

4. How to manage your emotions to radiate positive energy to the team?

Throughout the training, the trainer will pay attention to your language and body language in the context of building your authority as a leader - neurolinguistics is powerful knowledge that will help you consciously use words!


Become an effective manager!

Reserve your place!


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Trainers conducting First time manager training

Radosław Funiok trener, konsultant, coach

Radek Funiok

trener, konsultant, coach

MBA graduate at the University of Technology Sydney and Business Management at the University of Business in Nowy Sącz.

He has many years of experience in people management, organizational transformations and conducting international - global projects. He worked as a manager and director in companies such as TESCO, Phillip Morris and Pekao SA

He managed teams and departments of finance, purchasing, human resources and customer service.

I specialize in managerial training for lower, middle and senior managers as well as soft training in the field of communication, personal effectiveness, assertiveness, stress management, public speaking, negotiations, customer service, and cultural differences.

He combines his passion for development and training with 20 years of professional practice, giving his training an exceptionally practical dimension. He pays particular attention to the daily application of acquired skills to increase work efficiency, results achieved, team management and self-management.

In 2018, I won the title of best managerial skills trainer at Philip Morris.

He is a certified coach and mentor and has conducted over 500 sessions with individual and corporate clients. He specializes in business coaching for managers at various levels.

Furthermore, he holds many international certificates in the field of designing and conducting training and coaching. Diplomas: Master Training Facilitator and Master Training Designer obtained at InSync, Managerial Coaching at Culture at Work, Trainer Certificate at Mind Gym, Trainer Certificate at ATD (Association for Talent Development).

Więcej Mniej

First time manager training methodology

W naszych szkoleniach dostajesz właśnie w takich proporcjach:

metodyka mobile metodyka desktop

Techniki i narzędzia konkretne strategie działania adekwatne do sytuacji i optymalne narzędzia (np. formularze, scenariusze rozmów, matryce, ściągi) – gotowce, które wiesz jak wykorzystać na co dzień


Warsztat dzięki ćwiczeniom grupowym, grom, pracy w parach, na gorącym krześle, prowokacjom, wdrażasz nowe techniki i narzędzia, doświadczasz omawianych mechanizmów na sobie także w zaskakujących eksperymentach


Wiedza niezbędne informacje, teorie przełamujące schematy i mity, badania i odkrycia z różnych dziedzin: psychologii, neurobiologii, coachingu, NLP

  • The training is conducted in workshops - participants practice the techniques and tools they learn in a very diverse way.
  • Everyone receives training materials, exercises and tools (forms, cheat sheets, planners, etc.).
  • After the training, the participant receives access to the 4GROW training platform, where:
    • all training materials are embedded and
    • is a forum for written communication with the trainer and training participants on this topic, enabling asking questions and exchanging experiences.
  • Online participants connect via a video-training platform with the trainer (and participants in the room, if they have registered as part of the Mix form).

Calculate the price


    Or maybe you prefer the classic, stationary form of training?

    comfort of development in a comfortable chair 
    and a maximum of 9 people in the room

    Wybierz wariant szkolenia i zarezerwuj miejsce

    Wariant szkolenia:

    Terminy i forma szkolenia:

    Termin szkolenia
    Miejsce szkolenia dla formy stacjonarnej: Warszawa, Al. "Solidarności" 155 lok. 37  Zobacz na mapie


    Liczba uczestników:

    rabat 20% dla 2 i każdej kolejnej osoby
    Cena Regular:
    Do wyczerpania miejsc
    2 790 zł netto
    • Trening indywidualny 90 minut gratis
    • Kontakt z trenerem bez limitu godzin gratis
    • Nielimitowany dostęp do platformy online 4GROW gratis
    • Jeśli to Twoje kolejne szkolenie odbierz rabat 100zł
    • Nielimitowany dostęp do tematycznej, zamkniętej grupy rozwojowej online

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    Informacja o stanowisku pozwala trenerowi dostosowywać treści szkolenia do profilu zawodowego Uczestnika a E-mail oraz telefon kontaktowy umożliwiają nam zbadanie potrzeb Uczestnika i przekazanie szczegółów organizacyjnych nt. szkolenia (SMS).
    Podaj dokładny adres do wysyłki w polu uwag poniżej.

    Dane 1 uczestnika szkolenia

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    Dane do faktury

    Would you like to talk to us or send an inquiry?

    kontakt 4GROW

    Are you interested in closed training or training for more than 5 people?

    We will prepare the perfect offer for you!
    kontakt - pytania

    Do you have questions about the training?

    We will be happy to answer!
    Wpisz treść zapytania
    pole wymagane Pola wymagane

    Open training: stationary

    We provide stationary services in Warsaw

    Adrianna Ostrowska
    Open training coordinator

    Closed training: stationary | online

    We provide stationary services throughout Poland

    Agata Smykla
    Closed training coordinator

    Training dates: First time manager - building the manager's competence and authority

    2024-05-13 - 2024-05-14

    Poziom I: First time manager - budowanie kompetencji i autorytetu menedżera

    To szkolenie obejmuje zagadnienia: motywowanie, delegowanie, ocenianie, egzekwowanie.
    Warszawa Zarezerwuj
    2024-09-05 - 2024-09-06

    Level I: First time manager - building the manager's competence and authority

    This training covers the following topics: motivating, delegating, assessing, enforcing.
    Warszawa Zarezerwuj
    Do uzgodnienia

    Szkolenie dedykowane / zamknięte - dopasujemy do Twoich potrzeb

    Zamów szkolenie zamknięte, dedykowane specjalnie dla Twojego zespołu! Skontaktuj się z nami, a dopasujemy termin, miejsce i scenariusz szkolenia do specyfiki oraz potrzeb Waszej firmy!
    Mix: Online lub dowolne miasto Zapytaj
    2024-06-05 - 2024-06-06

    Poziom I: First time manager - budowanie kompetencji i autorytetu menedżera

    To szkolenie obejmuje zagadnienia: motywowanie, delegowanie, ocenianie, egzekwowanie.
    Warszawa Zarezerwuj
    2024-07-04 - 2024-07-05

    Poziom I: First time manager - budowanie kompetencji i autorytetu menedżera

    To szkolenie obejmuje zagadnienia: motywowanie, delegowanie, ocenianie, egzekwowanie.
    Warszawa Zarezerwuj