4GROW Mateusz Dąbrowski 4GROW https://4grow.pl mailto:[email protected] 531314431 Mo-Fri 08:00-17:00 4GROW to butikowa, rodzinna firma szkoleniowa oferująca szkolenia najwyższej jakości z obszaru kompetencji miękkich, osobistych i menedżerskich 4grow.pl https://4grow.pl https://www.facebook.com/4GROW/ 4GROW
Panieńska 9 lok. 25 03-704 PL Warszawa
4GROW firma szkoleniowa szkolenia z kompetencji miękkich szkolenia menadżerskie


Your employee comes asking for a raise and leaves with the task of planning a new project, and it is a satisfying end to the conversation for him - the ability to effectively manage a team is acquired during training at 4GROW :) . I recommend.

Thank you for your individual approach and appropriate exploration of team management topics. I am inspired to develop my managerial and leadership skills. Training with just the right amount of fun!

Fascinating, unconventional, thought-provoking assertiveness training. I have never learned so much useful content relating to various areas of life from any other training. Very professional management, excellent atmosphere while encouraging participants to work and think creatively. I recommend it to everyone, regardless of age and profession.

Mateusz is the best prepared and most competent trainer I have had the pleasure of working with over 8 years.

I received Mateusz's contact information based on a recommendation. The individual and innovative approach helped me look at Win-Win and the topic of negotiations differently. Thanks Mateusz! THE BEST!

In life, we go through constant negotiations, both in our private and professional fields. This training gave me the opportunity to understandwhat is the real goal of negotiation and how to achieve this goal in a way that gives a lot of satisfaction and benefits. Apart from negotiation techniques, it gives you a lot of knowledge about yourself - very valuable. Excellently conducted, awakens the appetite for more.

Substantive, specific approach to the topic, extensive knowledge. 

Thanks to the training, I learned and gained knowledge about stress management and relaxation techniques. I recommend this training to people who have problems with a healthy approach to stressful situations. The trainer is a wonderful, warm and nice person who willingly shares his knowledge and experience. I am happy that I could participate in this training. A small step towards a better life and changes in it.

The training enabled me to gain valuable knowledge in the field of stress management. It took place in a friendly atmosphere and provided pleasant experiences during relaxation sessions. I recommend it to everyone who sees stress as their enemy.

I got to know myself better and the areas I need to work on. In an interesting way, the trainer revealed to us techniques that will allow us to improve ourselves and cope even in the most stressful situations. Compared to other trainings, this was the only time I was able to open up to the trainer and other participants. The friendly atmosphere allowed us to work through even the most difficult and uncomfortable examples. Thank you very much for this.

The training enabled me to gain valuable knowledge in the field of stress management. It took place in a friendly atmosphere and provided pleasant experiences during relaxation sessions. I recommend it to everyone who sees stress as their enemy.

Substantive training at a very high level. An incredibly competent trainer, able to convey knowledge and answer even the most troubling questions. I recommend the "Recruitment - behavioral interview, advanced techniques" training because the next day after the training you feel like implementing the ideas after the workshop.

The training introduces the subject of competency interviewing in a very accessible way. It also provides a good basis for looking at the entire recruitment process. The training was conducted in a very professional and attractive manner. The acquired materials will help me shape and improve recruitment processes in the company.

The training was very well prepared in terms of content. The needs survey conducted before the training helped the trainer prepare the material. Therefore, the training met my expectations, both for my needs and from the perspective of the people I manage and work with on a daily basis. Very well-prepared materials and the open, but also professional way of conducting the course by the trainer have a positive impact on the evaluation of the training. Thank you and best regards.

Training at the highest level. The trainer represents high coaching skills supported by practice. Many elements for practical use in the recruitment process, a solid approach to expectations. That's why when you leave the training you feel that it was worth it...

The assertiveness training was conducted in an unconventional way with a non-standard approach to the participants. The training techniques were fully matched to the effect it was intended to achieve. This training will remain in my memory and will help me improve both my professional and private life.

Assertiveness workshops were prepared very professionally. Once again, full admiration for the 4GROW company. After the training, you will learn simple techniques that are useful in everyday situations.

I went to Assertiveness training with the belief that it is difficult to develop assertive behavior overnight. As it turned out, these two days gave me a solid basis for exploring the topic of assertiveness, and already on the first day I started paying attention to what I said and how I said it. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I already know that assertiveness is within reach. I received helpful materials, and the instructor's attitude motivated me to take action.

I recommend the Team management and motivation training because the scope of the topic and its depth fully meet my expectations, even exceeding them in some areas. Apart from that, great atmosphere, lots of materials and real-life examples. I would highly recommend!

Time Management training - helpful and professional, it will help you gain free time and compress your work time without losing its quality.